Wednesday, June 27, 2012


Polite notice: THIS IS NOT A SEXUAL SERVICE OF ANY KIND SO PLEASE DONT ASK! No witheld numbers or text they will be ignored. Female Beauty Therapist home based beauty treatment studio in Bolton Please call or text: 07415118147 Personal Waxing (intimate waxing). Waxing Treatments for Women Vajazzles starting at 10 Bikini Area Basic Bikini Waxing 8 Brazilian Waxing (front with eagle strip) 20 Hollywood Waxing (front & back) 25 Body Area Arm waxing (half) 7 Arm waxing (full) 10 Leg waxing (half) 10 Leg waxing (full) 15 Underarm waxing 5 Abdomen waxing 7 Full Body waxing arms, legs, abdomen, back, underarms, buttocks, bikini from 35 Face Area Eyebrow waxing 5 Upper Lip waxing 3 Sideburns waxing 3 Chin waxing 3 Full face waxing 15 Waxing Treatments for Men: Groin Area: Basic Speedo wax 10 Crack waxing 10 Buttocks waxing 15 Sack waxing 20 Front area only (Triangle only) waxing 20 Front area (triangle) w/ sack (no crack) 40 Full Boyzillian front and crack no buttocks 45 Full Boyzillian front and crack ,including buttocks 50 Body Area: Arm waxing (half) 10 Arm waxing (full) 15 Leg waxing (half) 15 Leg waxing (full) 20 Chest waxing 15 Stomach 15 Back waxing 15 Full body waxing from 50 Face Area: Eyebrow waxing 5 Cheeks waxing 5 Ears waxing 5 Neck waxing 7 Women & Men: Eye Lash tinting 7 Eye Brow tinting 5 Eye lash & Brow tinting for 10 Eye lash Lift Perm 35 Basic Facial (30 minutes) 15 Facial with massage (60 minutes) 25 Manicure 10 Pedicure 15 File & polish (hand or feet) 5 Body Therapy This treatment removes the dead skin cells leaving the body silky and smooth with steam, while hydrating and balancing the skin. (scrub & polish) Back 15 Arms 10 Legs 15 Full Body 30 HOURS: MONDAY 9AM UNTIL 8PM TUESDAY,WEDNESDAY,THURSDAY 6PM UNTIL 8PM FRIDAY 9AM UNTIL 8PM SATURDAY 10AM UNTIL 8PM SUNDAY 10AM UNTIL 5PM If you decide to end your waxing during the treatment, full price of the treatment will still be charged. Any inappropriate behaviour will not be tolerated, the treatment will be ended and you will be asked to leave the premises.


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