Tuesday, June 26, 2012

£50 off Stress Management Course with Renaissance -

Stress Management Course Stress affects all of us in one form or another; at work, at home or when exposed to fears and phobias. We all react to stress differently as well, some have healthy copping mechanism and some don’t. We all have a breaking point and this is why it is important to have multiple tools that can be used for stress relief. Our stress management system is based on relaxation techniques, visualizations techniques, self-hypnosis, psycho-neuroimmunology , neuro-linguistic programming and hypnotherapy with a therapist. Other tools are also employed and suggested in therapy to make this the way you become aware of what your options are when it comes to reducing stress. We offer an intro to stress management course over 2 sessions lasting 1hour each and 1 week apart. The two sessions are purchased as a package but further sessions can be purchased at the going rate of the moment. Ask your therapist how much single follow up sessions are. During the sessions we will: Determine when stress affects you. How stress affects you. What your current coping mechanisms are. Teach you the tools that will help you to enhance your stress coping skills. Use hypnotherapy and guided imagery to help you relax while you are with us. Session 1: The first session is about getting more information about your stress and how you deal with it followed by a relaxation session and a few strategies as to how to deal with it. This helps us determine what techniques will work best for you in the following session. You will however leave our office with useable techniques from which you will already see a difference. Session 2: When the patient returns to us, they are already better equipped to deal with everyday stress but we want to take it a step further. We evaluate your ability to use the tools from the first session and then tech you complimentary ways to make stress and thing of the past. Why should I learn this? Stress can be the cause of various aches and pains you have been having at home or at work and to avoid burnouts depression learning to cope healthily with your stress should be high on your list. The cost associated with poor performance and attendance records at work, being sick or too “down” and unmotivated to do anything can have a tremendous impact on your life in every aspect of it from professional to romantic and social; snapping at the kids, being unfocused and clumsy, unable to make decisions. These are all things that stress management will help get rid of. Don’t wait to be there to contact us for a booking! Do it for your piece of mind. book a session in one of our medical clinics in Cardiff or Birmingham. List of benefits: Better sleep, focus, being relaxed, confidence, more energy, more positive better digestion, feeling calmer, less nervous ticks and habits, more productive and happier! This course is also ideal for the corporate sector and with the right amount of participants we will come to you anywhere in the UK Booking required. Site: http://www.RenaissanceHypnosis.Co.Uk


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