Thursday, May 31, 2012


Hiya girls I am fully qualified HABIA approved technician. The only method I would recommend and use is micro rings as its the safest method out on the market. It has NO DAMAGE to your hair! I always recieve excellent feedback from my cleints and have genuine testiomonials to prove this. I offer 3 different types of hair to my clients. Remy will last upto 3 months..Indian remy will last 3-6 months and Russian remy will last upto 2 years. Russian remy is virgin human hair and will never tangle or matt. Special june offer 50 OFF ALL PRICES BELOW! So you could have a full head of russian remy for only 250!!! Remy 3/4 Head 150 Remy Full Head 200 Remy Full Head + Extra volume 240 Indian Temple 3/4 Head 200 Indian Temple Full Head 250 Indian Temple Full Head + Extra Volume 290 Russian Remy Full Head 300 Russian Remy + Extra Volume 350 I offer a FREE CONSULTATION. During the consultation I will colour match your natural hair to get the perfect shade for your new extensions. We will discuss what length you require and I will also run through the aftercare and advice you will need to look after your new hair and answer any questions you have. The extension bonds last between 3-6 months depending on how well you look after the extensions. Regular maintenance is reccomended every 4-8 weeks. This is when I will move the bonds back up to your head to keep them in good condition. If you have any questions or would like to book a consultation call/text 07500747179


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